My Antarctic stats

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Maddison says

I look back at my photos of Antarctica regularly and have to remind myself that it is actually me in those images. The experience seems like an incredible dream!

Maddison Clare Antarctica Sales Specialist

My top 5 Antarctic experiences

  1. Walking into my cabin on my first Antarctic trip and jumping up and down with excitement that I was finally going to the White Continent! 
  2. Seeing thousands of rockhopper penguins dwarfed by huge nesting black-browed albatrosses in the Falkland Islands 
  3. Witnessing the sun beaming off the white bellies of Adelie penguins during golden hour as they wandered among beached icebergs 
  4. Spending 90 minutes watching a pod of around 12 orcas swimming among icebergs while the sun melted into the horizon 
  5. Peering down from my ship at six groups of bubble-net-feeding humpbacks. They came so close to the bow I could see into their open mouths as they lunged out of the water. 
A woman takes a selfie while mountaineering in Antarctica

More about me

  • I first fell in love with extreme cold climates when I trekked to Everest Base Camp in Nepal
  • I have taken myself on multiple solo adventures, including 10 months exploring Central and South America
  • A keen adventurer, I’m into multi-day hiking and have snowshoed and mountaineered on the Antarctic Peninsula
  • I love Antarctica so much that I use my annual leave to go on holiday there too!
  • In warmer climates I enjoy scuba diving and surfing 
A woman takes a selfie in Antarctica
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Maddison says

I want people to experience the same feelings of awe that I did when I was in Antarctica for the first time. It was the most special trip of my life, and it excites me knowing I’m helping someone see this beautiful environment and feel as entranced by the magic!

Maddison Clare Antarctica Sales Specialist

Ready to plan your Antarctic adventure?



We'll spend some time listening to your aspirations, then discuss the kind of experience that might suit you.



Next we'll discuss the options, shortlist the best trips for you and present you our impartial recommendations.



We'll place a 24 hour hold on your preferred option - without obligation - whilst we talk through the details.

With over 100 years of Antarctic experience between us, we can help guide you to exactly the right trip for you.
