As part of my review of the MV Ushuaia I wanted to share some detailed thoughts and comments about their Expedition Leaders.
We’ve had over 100 people ask about trip to Antarctica so far this year, and it surprises me that not a single one has asked about the Expedition Team. No-one asks…
– who will helping me to experience and understand this place?
– who will decide where we’ll sail and land?
– who’s going to make the big decisions about what is, and is not, safe?
For the 84 passengers on board there were 34 people in support. The Captain and his crew have the ultimate responsibility for both your safety, and getting you to best places along the peninsula. Then there’s the Hotel Team responsible for housekeeping and ensuring that you eat and drink well. The team that has the biggest influence on your enjoyment of the trip is the Expedition Team.
We had an Expedition Team of five seasoned Antarctic guides: Sebastian, Agustin, Alejandro, Lida, Maria. These are the guys whose voices you first hear in the morning over the PA system (“good morning, good morning, good morning“) and who excitedly announce sightings of albatross, whales and leopard seals.

If I take the liberty of combining their CVs and cherry picking some highlights…
- Author of Antarctica, Discovering the Last Continent
- Sailor to Antarctica aboard a 36ft yacht
- Scientific coordinator for Coastal Ecology and Climate Change projects; full summer and winter of research on King George Island
- PhD in Conservation Biology
- In total 28 seasons of Antarctic Cruise experience
Their experience and expertise is obviously crucial to the amount you are going to take away from your own expedition. However Sebastian, Agustin, Alejandro, Lida, Maria brought more than just knowledge and insight, they were also great fun and at every step of the way it felt like they shared our excitement at witnessing these spectacular landscapes for the first time.
Uniquely the entire expedition team were from Argentina which felt right given that it’s the nearest country to the Antarctic Peninsula and home to our point of disembarkation.
In summary…
Local Argentinian biologists, sailors, explorers; experienced, knowledgeable, decisive leadership when it was needed, and above all great company and great fun.